Sunday, May 1, 2011

Relaxing Weekend

This weekend has been one of my most relaxing weekends this semester.  (Since I am a teacher I refer to the year in semesters again)  I only had 3 to-do's on my calendar.  
Friday night, I spent a relaxing night with friends watching The Royal Wedding....we ate brie and rosemary strawberry scones.  Here is that scone recipe...yummy:  
Saturday, I went to a luncheon with my future mother-in-law,Charlotte,  at her church and hung out at her house for the afternoon for the North Dallas Artist Studio Tour....see Charlotte's website here: night David and I went to the mall then went to whole foods and picked up some steak and veggies to grill last night for dinner.  
Tonight, David and I are going with our friends, Kate and Stephen, to try a new restaurant in the Bishop Arts District called Oddfellows:
Also, our engagement announcement was in the Northwest Arkansas paper exciting!

Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend as well!

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